RapTr-X Asymmetric Whipstock System

Odfjell Technology delivers a comprehensive range of fishing, milling, and abandonment services worldwide.

With a highly skilled and experienced fishing team, the company operates across diverse environments, from deep-water drillships to shallow desert wells, ensuring efficient and effective solutions for complex well challenges.

All equipment is maintained and inspected to the highest industry standards, guaranteeing reliability and performance in every operation. The company specializes in packer milling and retrieving, bridge plug milling and retrieving, open hole and workover fishing, section and casing milling, casing cutting and cementing, under-reaming, and casing exit operations using whipstocks.

Odfjell Technology holds contracts and performs Remedial and Abandonment operations in Romania, Continental Europe, Kuwait, Turkmenistan, and Malaysia. The company is also in the process of establishing operational bases for Remedial and Abandonment in Norway and the UK.

Following the acquisition of intellectual property through McGarian TDC, Odfjell Technology now owns the rights to specific tools and equipment used by a third party. The company continues to support and supply these tools and equipment under this arrangement.

The Odfjell Technology whipstock offers a unique Asymmetric concave feature on the whip face, designed to:

  • Guide the mill in the centre of the whip face
  • Eliminate thinning or excessive wear of the right-hand edge
  • Maintain well trajectory by significantly reducing the right-hand walk while exiting the window

Explore our range of advanced whipstock systems:

  • RapTr-X for standard cased hole sidetrack
  • RapTr-XL for extended length windows
  • RapTr-XO for open hole sidetrack


Beyond routine services, Odfjell Technology provides contingency fishing solutions globally, supports multiple plug and abandonment (P&A) operations, and has a proven track record in whipstock deployments, reinforcing its position as a trusted leader in well intervention and abandonment.