The benefits of wellbore clean-up and displacement experience
In previous blogs we have talked about how pre-job planning is key. Although each well is different, there are fundamental similarities in each application. The question is how do we spot them? It all comes down to experienced personnel working on the project. Within the WellBore Clean-up product offering, there are a relatively low number of specialists worldwide that can offer the quality dedicated support required.
Increase efficiency
This group of specialists have worked in various global locations during their careers and seen many ways of achieving the objectives. They will be able to look at a given scenario, and advise you with the appropriate tool selection and optimum operations sequence. For example, if Operator A routinely carries out a two run operation to test their liner lap integrity and final displacement, an experienced WBCU specialist can demonstrate how to carry out the same operations in one run, thereby saving time and money.
> Read also: A novel approach to casing preparation after drilling
Computer modelling
When tools get more and more complicated, software modelling is recommended to determine the optimum tool setup and operation. This must be carried out by trained people. So when Operator B wants to place a circulation sub above a 5 1/2″ liner, the model and analysis may show that the best placement is above the 7″ liner. Drawing on the experience of the specialist, this Operator could optimise operations on the rig to carry out a safe and efficient displacement.
> Read also: How a circulation tool can boost annular velocity
A hand on the wheel
I’d say it is always advisable to have a WBCU specialist on-site to run tools. Running WBCU tools is somehow perceived as ‘easy’, especially for scrapers and brushes. Whilst running these tools one by one is not very complicated, this is not the case when they are combined with either weight set or ball drop activated tools. Having an experienced person on board will pay dividends in the safe deployment and operation of these tools. There have been cases of pumping balls down out with the correct parameters, causing the tool to activate incorrectly or damaging the tool. During a slot recovery operation, non-WBCU personnel were the cause of a tool not functioning correctly. The resulting abandoning of the operations to pull the string of the hole cost a round trip of 24hrs. This was all due the inexperience on the rig.
Play safe
To summarise, draw upon the experience of the onshore support specialists when planning the well – they can save you time and money! And, where necessary of course, have a trained and experienced Wellbore Clean-Up experts at the rig site – they will make sure the tools are deployed and operated safely and efficiently. Using the combined experience of the onshore and rig site personnel will ensure that your wellbore clean-up needs are fully met.
Topics: Wellbore CleanUp

By: Stephen Mair
Stephen has over a decade experience in WellBore CleanUp (WBCU) activities ranging from authoring industry best practices to WBCU research and development projects. With experience in various global locations (North Sea, Europe, Africa & Alaska) he has been involved in introducing the next generation of mechanical & software solutions to meet today’s WBCU challenges.