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Odfjell Technology’s growth and culture at the forefront of ONS 2024 success

A week of energy, enthusiasm and engagement is what Jonny Kristensen, Vice President of Global Sales at Odfjell Technology, reflects as the key takeaway of ONS 2024. Welcoming over 500 attendees and participants at our Workshop and Technology…

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Confessions of a veteran: Why I would have used the CRT

I care about the string. At least, I did when was in charge of it. The solid grip of the elevator around the box felt comforting. No one could ever…

Protecting your tubular equipment is still important

The experienced oil worker will find this rather obvious, but it is never an option to cut corners when it's talk about protecting the casing tubular.…

How top hole drilling can put you ahead of project plan

If you were guaranteed to save 30 hours rig time by investing NOK 250.000 extra - would you do it? Well, someone did and they saved close to NOK 3…

Is equipment inspection & maintenance on the drilling rig profitable?

Most clients send their equipment on shore to get it inspected and maintained. Is this because of old habits, the nature of the business, or are there…

How CRTi and Ream Shoe can Reduce Casing Running Time and Costs

The risk of stopping casing jobs before reaching TD is greater for deep and/or deviated sections. The ability to ream casing down by using the CRTi…

WBCU: Optimizing displacement while protecting completion equipment

OWS has developed a range of tools that allow multiple opening & closing of ports to allow on demand communication to the annulus and to allow…

Identifying Casing / Tubing is imperative to safe casing running

This is probably the most important part of a casing crew’s job; identifying the pipe and ensuring all equipment and tools are within the specs to…

Can Robotics on Rig Floor Make a Difference in Drilling Performance?

In a previous blog we have described the significant potential efficiency gain that lies in a fully automated drilling process, by use of intelligent…

How to reduce offshore risk during tubular running services

Running casing, by its very nature, can be a dangerous occupation with many pitfalls to be aware of. Contrary to popular belief, most accidents are…

Years of experience says nothing about your offshore competence

You may have heard the saying “You can have 20 years of experience, or 1 year of experience repeated 20 times”. In other words, if someone does…

Increase casing filling speed with autofill equipment

When running casing, one of the things you always have to keep in mind is keeping the casing string filled with mud.The reason for this is, of course,…

How to calculate the capacity of a Fill-up & Circulation Tool?

What do you need to consider when calculating the capacity of the Fill-up and circulation tool? I've provided you with this real life example as a…

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