
Fresh ideas reshape P&E landscape across UK North Sea

Published 17.07.2024

Odfjell Technology is committed to working smarter for an industry facing multiple challenges in decades ahead, writes Bill Muir, Vice President, Projects & Engineering UK

The changing face of the UK North Sea requires a commitment to working in new ways. It needs innovative services and tools, and cooperation with clients dedicated to a progressive vision for our industry.

Odfjell Technology believes in leading from the front through a combination of forward-looking and dynamic solutions built on a long heritage of success in the harshest of environments.

Our drive and passion is evident across plug and abandonment (P&A), repurposing, emerging green technologies and beyond – and our services in the UK and elsewhere are tailored to the realities and constraints of the evolving energy sector.

Sharper focus

Operators in the UK are facing challenges across multiple fronts: baseline economics, end-of-lifecycle demands, the drive to embrace emerging technologies, and the sheer volume and pace of change anticipated over the next decade.

Project investments will not always be linked to future revenue; it is an environment where efficiency, cost-effectiveness and skilled execution – by experienced teams – will become more important than ever.

Odfjell Technology will play a central role. We’re working at the focal point of industry as it takes responsible actions across existing assets, builds the foundation of our joint energy future, and deploys the solutions that will drive change.

Integrated offerings are the way ahead – the combined skills of P&E alongside drilling expertise, well services, next-generation downhole tools, experienced crews and operational know-how represent the ideal solution for project re-entry, repurposing and P&A.

And, of course, the changing workforce and shifting economics, put an even greater emphasis on the efficiencies created by a ‘one-stop shop’ partner, sidestepping hurdles including multi-contracts, subcontractors and the costs – in time and money – of associated management.

Fresh ideas

Rigless solutions are just one part of our forward-looking mentality. The concept, whether a modular unit or the rigless mast unit, represents an industry step-change for re-entry applications where traditional alternatives are either too expensive or technically challenging – or both.

The innovation is based on proven components and provides a flexible, adaptable and cost-effective option for operations across the life cycle of assets. When combined with the strengths of the wider Odfjell offering, has the potential to rewrite the rulebook.

Our Combined Energy & Emissions Screening service is equally visionary. Developed by our team in Norway, it is designed to reduce emissions across offshore, maritime and shipping through fuel efficiencies and improved operational performance.

The service is already being deployed across various projects for operators, including on ConocoPhillips’ Linus asset. We have already delivered value adding services like energy and emissions screening, supported with a Nox Fond application, and are in the process of implementation. One implementation phase has been completed and another is ongoing.

Two major drillships, operated by a global integrated energy company, have also benefited from our Combined Energy & Emissions Screening service. We delivered energy and emission screening, benchmark analysis, provided advisory services and crafted an energy and emission reduction roadmap for the two assets.

Odfjell Technology has the combined technical competence and commercial mindset to critically review carbon-emitting operations, identify where emissions are being emitted and then integrate the optimal solution. The aim, ultimately, is to help our clients operate with zero emissions.

From the earliest stages, across energy management and into recommended solutions, the benefits include reduced costs and emissions, lower maintenance, reduced personnel onboard assets, documented compliance, a better work environment and increased productivity.

Proud to lead

Speaking personally, the opportunity to lead the P&E team in the UK as Odfjell Technology meets the challenges ahead was too good to pass up. My career across drilling, projects, and rig operations dovetailed perfectly with the company’s desire to put technology and innovation at the forefront of the business.

Odfjell Technology knows where it comes from, knows where it is and – perhaps most importantly – knows where it wants to go. The company is committed to combining the best of tomorrow with the tried and tested skillset and experience of 50 years at the forefront of energy.

And of course, all of that is underpinned by the enthusiasm of the entire workforce to pursue progressive development in established markets and across new frontiers, whether defined by geography or within emerging sectors such as offshore wind, hydrogen, geothermal and carbon capture.

P&E is our enabler for Odfjell Technology’s growth, and it is that vision that I and my team are working to make a reality.

Aiming high

The UK North Sea is a challenging environment on so many fronts. Odfjell Technology is, as a result, committed to working in partnership with our customers, our suppliers and the wider industry to create the solutions that will lead to a new generation of success stories.

The combination of innovation and heritage, backed by proven expertise and the appetite to make a difference, is what makes us unique; it is at the heart of initiatives such as our carbon screening service and our rigless solutions, and it is what drives our P&E team.

We look forward to discussing how we can work together to meet the challenges ahead.

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