3 Reasons to subscribe to The Well Blog

Welcome to The Well Blog – your weekly source of oil and gas drilling related tips and trends put to pixels in an easy-to-read fashion, brought to you by Odfjell Well Services. Whether you are an experienced drilling professional or an aspiring one, you’ll definitely find some useful information here.
Please also use the comment fields actively, as we would love to hear your feedback. We welcome any comments, questions or suggestions you have regarding our blog. Make sure that you also subscribe to our blog. The service is free-of-charge and you will receive 1-2 blog posts each week. Here are 3 reasons why you should subscribe to The Well Blog:
1. Stay on top of the latest drilling technology trends
You might think that not much is happening in the industry technology wise, but as we speak new tools and tech is being developed, tested and introduced on the market – some of which we will cover in this blog.
2. Tips and best practices
A big portion of the blog posts will address typical well drilling and completion issues and discuss alternative solutions and best practices. Our aim is to provide you with useful information that saves you time, effort and money.
3. Get in touch with subject matter experts
We have made it easy for you to connect with our bloggers. Either connect with them via social media or ask questions via email or in the comments form. Or … just reply to the email we send you on a weekly basis or every time we post a new blog – how often is up to you.
Looking forward to seeing you around The Well Blog!
Topics: Odfjell Well Services

By: Hans Petter Moen
Hans Petter Moen has more than 30 years’ experience from the offshore / onshore oil & gas industry as Drilling Section Leader and Drilling Supervisor. He is currently Adviser Marketing, Technology & Operations at Odfjell Well Services.